
a list of words

so, i'm a blog slacker. a whole week- yikes. here are my excuses:

1. the weather has been mostly gorgeous
2. i got trained for my summer job this weekend
3. i watched the series finales of both lost and 24
4. sam has been on the laptop a lot lately
5. the house is a disaster so cleaning is in order
6. my vitamin d deficiency has required me to take several naps
7. i'm lazy

anyway. today i learned a lot of things. i'm going to keep with the list theme here and write them below:

1. mint basically grows on a vine-like root underground, which is why its so freaking hard to get rid of (i learned this through experience today)
2. caterpillars shed their skin like snakes do as they grow
3. i NEED to wear sunglasses when i'm outside on a sunny day or else i can't really function
4. my classroom has only black and brown construction paper left (blech)
5. when given the choice between free, half-day school with a structured, effective program, or free, full-day day care for their child with bussing but no real educational benefits for their child, parents will almost always choose the latter, which is sad
6. not all hoses are created equal, and the inexpensive ones really are just cheap
7. my hair is still red when i stand in the sun, 5 months after dying it with a 8 week wash-out dye
8. our basement gets really cold when the a/c is turned on
9. one of the children in my class has gone through horrors that i can't believe i never knew about, and that no person should ever have to experience. i am grateful to have some context to explain why he behaves the way he does, and hopefully i'll be able to reach him more effectively now. my heart breaks for him.

happy tuesday <3

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